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同士: “Fellow”

adept #36
~ 5 Minutes


Another day, another useful suffix to learn. I hope you're not tired of suffixes by now, we've certainly covered a lot of them! Would you say... you've had your fix of sufFIXes? Huhauahauhauahhh...

同士どうし: Comrades; buddies; pals


  • b

    ”We're friends.”

So, let's talk about 同士どうし. 同士どうし is a noun that means "fellow; mutual; comrade; companion", and can also be used as a suffix. When we attach 同士どうし as a suffix, we turn 「(noun)」 into 「(noun)同士どうし」"fellow noun(s)". But watch out, because this one is usually just for people. (We'll discuss exceptions to this later.)

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