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こそあど 4: こんな・そんな・あんな・どんな "Such/Like that..." (Part one)

apprentice #36
~ 5 Minutes


It's been a while, but it's time for another こそあど lesson! Are you pumped? Let's do the こそあど chant together: こ!そ!あ!ど! Wahoo! What's more, this is a two-part lesson! So you have a lot of こそあど goodness to look forward to.

As you might've already guessed from the estimated reading time, this is going to be a long one... But I promise it's going to be worth it. And so without further ado, let's gear up and dive right in!

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  • b

    "Which pizza would you like?”

Just like the この・その・あの・どの set of こそあど words from way back on the Beginner island, this set will attach before a noun. But before we get to attaching anything to anyone in any way, let's review the spatial relationship of こそあど words.

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