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たとえば: "For example..."

apprentice #65
~ 5 Minutes


Welcome to this (very) quick bite lesson all about examples! I hope you're enjoying all these short and sweet articles. I for one, am enjoying writing them. For example, I like writing the phrase "quick bite". It reminds me of snacks, and then I go get a snack, which makes me happy. 😁

There are many reasons why you're my favorite student,

For example...


  • b

    たとえば(phrase with example/s)
    "I love fruit. For example, apples and whatnot.”

You're always on time!

たとえば is a fairly easy grammar point because it's used in nearly the exact same way as the English "For example...". English grammar doesn't often overlap with Japanese grammar, but when it does, it's like a fresh breath of air. So breathe it in while you can!

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