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~に気がつく: "To notice..."

apprentice #78
~ 5 Minutes


Hey! Do you notice anything weird about this lesson? No? I wonder what it could be... Heh heh heh.

Noticing: It's not just for senpais!


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    ”(They) noticed there was a cat.”

This short but sweet lesson will be all about noticing things! In order to express "notice" we'll use a combination of ("energy; mind; spirit") and the intransitive verb く ("to be sensed").

Actually, there are many expressions in Japanese that use ! る "to be fond of", になる "to be interested/bothered", and がする "to feel" just to name a few. All of these treat 「」 as a kind of mind/energy/spirit/consciousness construct, which can be confusing from an "English language perspective" since we don't really have anything similar in everyday speech.

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