In this lesson, we're going to learn how to "spice up" adjectives. For example, we'll learn how to say something is "completely" or "totally" a certain way. And we'll also cover "...ness", as in "spiciness" or "legitness". Important, useful, and versatile stuff!
→ 顔が真っ赤になった。
”Their face went completely red.”
First up, 真! This prefix attaches before an adjective or noun (did I mention we'll be spicing up nouns as well?), and expresses that it is "completely/totally (adjective/noun)". For example:
白 "white" → 真っ白 "pure white"
中 "middle" → 真ん中 "right in the middle"
後ろ "behind" → 真後ろ "right behind"
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