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を Particle: Direct Object Marker

elementary #19
~ 5 Minutes


It’s time to bring on another particle! That’s right, this is particle #3! Today we’re going to learn all about を, which is pretty straightforward. All を does in a sentence is act as the direct object marker. If you paid attention in your English grammar classes, you probably already know what “direct object” means but I’ll refresh your memory in this lesson. After that, learning how を works should be a breeze.

Direct Object Marker, at Your Service

As I said, this particle is what marks the direct object of your sentence, but をt (I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist) does that mean exactly? In a sentence, the direct objdect is the noun that receives the action of a verb. More specifically, the actions of transitive verbs. If you’re not sure what those are, hang tight, and I’ll elaborate.

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