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Transitive vs Intransitive verbs and How to Use Them

elementary #34
~ 5 Minutes


Welcome back! Today we’re going to be covering a tricky topic, so I hope you brought your grammar pants! You’ve already learned about the が and を particles, and now it’s time to put them to work. Namely, we’re going to cover transitive and intransitive verbs. Ready, set, go! 😁

Who’s Doing That Verb!?


  • b

    Transitive Verb
    → ピザべた。
    I ate pizza.”

  • b

    ()Intransitive Verb
    → ヘッドライトいた。
    The headlight turned on.”

My Friend, Transitive Verb

You may remember from your を lesson, that transitive verbs are verbs that require a direct object; their actions require a “recipient”. So, if I say “I raised the ball”, the verb “raise” is acting on the object (recipient) “ball”. Transitive verbs follow the を particle.

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