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~なくちゃ・なきゃ "Have to..."

elementary #48
~ 5 Minutes


Man, today sucks. Why? Well, I have to run a bunch of errands. Then I have to do my homework. Then I have to visit my scary aunt Cersei. Then I have to attend the jousting tournament. Wait, did I just Game of Thrones myself?

Today, we’re going to talk all about the poo-poo crappy things we just have to do. Whether it's chores or homework, we all have stuff that can’t be put off forever… and that includes learning how to express this in Japanese.

Do I Gotta? Yeah, You Gotta.


  • b

    Negative Verb Stemなきゃなくちゃ
    → いますぐかなくちゃ
    I have to go right now!”

First, let’s review what a negative verb stem is. Basically, take your verb, conjugate it to its negative casual form, then remove ない, and that’s your stem. Like this:

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