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こと・の: Nominalizers

elementary #58
~ 5 Minutes


Okay folks, buckle in. This is not a lesson for the faint of heart. There will be struggle, there will be strife, there will be… lots of tennis? Today we’re going to be looking at the grammatical duality that is こと・の, and like any great duality (good/evil, man/machine, chocolate/vanilla), they exist in constant conflict with each other—creating rules and exceptions left and right. So, put on your grown-up grammar pants and get ready to, wait for it… nominalize.

The Great Nominalization

You may be getting a certain sense of deja-vu, and if you are, it’s for a good reason. You already did a lesson where you covered nominalizing verbs with の. But this time, we’re gonna go further. We’re gonna go longer, and more daringly than ever before. Because we’re not only going to cover noun-ifying verbs, but also adjectives. And we’re gonna do it with こと too.

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