Okay, I have to get something off of my chest. I. Love. Karaage. It’s—w-what’s karaage??? Oh my goodness. You have to try it! It’s essentially Japanese fried chicken. It’s so good, so juicy, so tender… I love it so much. I want to eat it every day. I want to marry it. I want to… become karaage.
Uhh, yeah, anyways. Today we’re going to cover 〜なる, or “to become”. Hope you're hungry. Err, I mean, ready.
な-Adjective (without な)/Nounになる
→ 彼は徐々に宇宙人になる。
”He will slowly become an alien.”
い-Adjective (い → く)なる
→ これはきっとおいしくなるよ。
”This is definitely going to become delicious.”
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