This burrito is delicious, and convenient, and pretty, and reliable, and strong, and spicy, and…
Isn’t it great to be able to tag multiple adjectives onto something? The universe is complex, and things are rarely ever just “good” or “bad”, or “smelly”. They’re probably “good and smelly”, or “bad but fragrant”!
Today, we’re going to cover the て-form of adjectives, and then we’re going to use that to pack multiple adjectives onto a noun, so you can describe things in as much detail as you’d like. Let’s do it!
い-Adjective (い → く)て
→ このケーキはおいしくて、安い。
”This cake is delicious and cheap.”
→ そのパソコンは便利で安いです。
”That computer is convenient and cheap.”
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