My Saturday evening? Yeah, it was incredible. First, we had pizza, then we had ice cream, then we had pizza again, and then we had doughnuts and then and then and then…
Ever wish you could talk about what you did, and then what you did next, and so on and so forth? Well, after today, speaking about chronological events is gonna be a total breeze. Your storytelling is about to become powerful.
Event Oneそれから・そして・それでEvent Two
→ ピザを食べて、それからドーナツを食べた。
”I ate pizza, and then I ate donuts.”
Alright, right out of the gates, all three of these conjunctions can technically be translated as “and then”, but they all mean something different. そして and それから are the closest of the three, so we’ll take a look at those two first.
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