That means...
~ということ is a combination of the quotation marker と, the verb 言う ("to say"), and こと ("thing". The ~ということ pattern can be used to clarify, ask for clarification, and present new info. It is usually translated as "that means X".
E.g. マイクは今日も来ていないの?あまりこのチームに興味がないということかな。 "Mike isn't here again today? I guess that means he doesn't have much interest in this team."
In casual scenarios, ~ということ can be shortened to ~ってこと.
E.g. ってことは、明日は無理? "Does that mean tomorrow is no good?"
~ということ means "that means X", or "Does that mean X?"
~ということ is used to clarify, ask for clarification or present new information
~ということ can be shortened to ~ってこと in casual speech
Explained in
adept #8
~という: "A thing called ○○"
Example Sentences