姿 (すがた)
姿 is a noun that means "figure; form; shape; appearance", and can be used to refer to someone's physical appearance, their appearance in certain clothing, or the way one appears when doing something.
姿 can attach to nouns using の (although it is sometimes dropped), or directly to casual (dictionary), ている, or stem form verbs.
E.g. マイクの姿が見えないけど、どこにいるかわかる? "I don't see Mike, do you know where he is?"
E.g. まゆみの花嫁姿、きれいだったね! "Mayumi was beautiful in her wedding dress, wasn't she?!"
E.g. うちの犬の寝姿は可愛すぎる。 "My dog is too cute when it's sleeping."
姿 is a noun that means "figure; form; shape; appearance"
姿 can be used to refer to someone's physical appearance, their appearance in certain clothing, or the way one appears when doing something
姿 can attach to nouns using の (although it is sometimes dropped), or directly to casual (dictionary), ている, or stem form verbs
Explained in
Example Sentences