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When X, Y



When X, Y


〜たところ can be used to say that "When X action was done, Y information was gained/Y happened". Because the second clause in this type of 〜たところ sentence is the speaker saying what they learned/what happened, it won't involve the speaker's will or intention.

E.g. 電話でんわたところ予約よやくけていないとのことだ。 "When I asked on the phone, (they said) they don't take reservations."

E.g. 説明書せつめいしょどおりにやったところ、すぐに完成かんせいした。 "When I did it according to the manual, I finished it quickly."

Similar sentences can be formed using ~たら instead, and have a more casual tone.


  • b

    〜たところ can be used to say that "When X action was done, Y information was gained/Y happened"

  • b

    This type of ~たところ statement won't involve the speaker's will or intention

Example Sentences
