To follow/in accordance with
「に従って」 is a combination of the て form of the verb 従う, "to obey; to follow", and the に particle. ~に従って is formal in tone, and can be made even more formal via its stem form: ~にしたがい.
~に従って has two main usages: ① "X changes in accordance with Y" (usually kana), and ② "To do X according to Y" (verbal usage, usually appears in kanji). This entry concerns usage ②.
Usage ②, essentially 従う's usage as a verb, can be used in formal, polite, and casual contexts.
E.g. ゴミは市のルールに従って分別しなければいけません。 "(You) must separate your garbage in accordance with your city's rules."
E.g. ルールに従うのは嫌いだ! "I hate following the rules!"
E.g. スタッフの指示にしたがい、入場してください。 "Please enter in accordance with the staff's instructions."
~に従って is formal in tone
~に従って has two main usages:
① "X changes in accordance with Y" (usually kana)
② "To do X according to Y" (verbal usage, usually appears in kanji)
Usage ② is essentially 従う's usage as a verb
Usage ② appears in formal, polite, and casual contexts
Explained in
Example Sentences