X is the best for Y
The ~に限る pattern is a combination of the に particle, and the verb 限る, "to limit".
~に限る has two main usages: ① "X is limited to Y", and ② "X is the best for Y". This entry concerns usage ②.
For usage ② "X is the best for Y", に限る may attach to nouns and casual form verbs. Occasionally, に限る will also attach to nominalized verbs/adjectives.
E.g. 夏はアイスに限る! "There's nothing like ice cream in the summer!"
E.g. 音楽は生で聴くに限る。 "There's nothing like listening to live music."
E.g. 変なメールは無視するに限ります。 "It's best to ignore strange emails."
The ~に限る pattern is a combination of the に particle, and the verb 限る, "to limit"
~に限る has two main usages: ① "X is limited to Y", and ② "X is the best for Y"
For usage ② "X is the best for Y", に限る may attach to nouns and casual form verbs
Occasionally, に限る will also attach to nominalized verbs/adjectives
Example Sentences