だけ can follow a verb, noun, or adjective, and means "just/only". Unlike ただ, a similar grammar point, だけ can only come at the end, or in the middle of a sentence, but not at the start.
To use だけ, attach it directly to a verb, noun, or い-adjective.
E.g. ピザだけ
"Only pizza"
だけ requires な to attach to な-adjectives.
Unlike similar grammar points like しか~ない, だけ has no inherent positive or negative connotations.
だけ means "just/only"
だけ can come at the end of a sentence, or in the middle
だけ can attach to a verb, noun, or adjective
Explained in
elementary #77
だけ・しか・ただ: "Just/Only" (Adverbs 2)
Example Sentences