Had better; it'd be better to; should
~方がいい is used to provide advice or suggestions and resembles expressions like "it's better to" or "you should" in English. The 方 of ~方がいい, means "way" or "method".
~方がいい should follow a past casual verb for affirmative advice (e.g., 寝たほうがいい "You should sleep") or a negative casual verb for negative advice (e.g., 寝ないほうがいい "You shouldn't sleep").
~方がいい implies the suggested option is superior to an unspoken alternative and often hints at potential negative consequences if the advice is not heeded.
~方がいい is used to give suggestions and advice
Combine ~方がいい with a past casual verb for affirmative advice, and a casual present verb for negative advice (i.e. "You shouldn't...")
Example Sentences