Is/has been done (resulting state)
ある can be attached to the て form of a transitive verb to describe that someone has performed an action that has resulted in a current change of state.
E.g. 窓が開けてある。 "The window is open."
~てある tends to be used in scenarios when we talk about completed actions that have been done for our benefit, completed actions that we find strange or mysterious, or completed actions that have been done in preparations/with initiative.
~てある cannot be used with intransitive verbs, or in situations where there has not been a change of state, or if an action is still occurring.
~てある indicates that an action has been completed
, as well as a change of state
~てある cannot be used with intransitive verbs, or if there is no change of state
Explained in
apprentice #102
Advanced いる and ~てある: States
Example Sentences