Whether or not /if
The phrase 「かどうか」 is used to express uncertainty and can be attached to a verb, noun, or adjective. ~かどうか is often translated as "if" or "whether or not".
「どうか」 can be dropped from ~かどうか. This is like removing "or not" from the English "whether or not".
~かどうか is often paired with verbs such as 分かる, 聞く, and 悩む.
~かどうか can't be combined with question words such as "who/what/where/when/why". For these words, the (interrogative)か pattern must be used instead.
~かどうか means "if" or "whether or not"
~かどうか can drop どうか and become ~か
~かどうか can't be used with question words "why/who/where/when/what"
Example Sentences