頃(ころ / ごろ)
ころ, or ごろ when used as a suffix, is used to refer to both approximate points in time, as well as more specific periods of time. ころ・ごろ cannot be used to approximate things other than time.
To use ころ・ごろ simply attach it to a time noun, adjective, or verb, or to a noun using the の particle.
E.g. 10時ごろ "around 10 o'clock"
E.g. 学生のころ "the time when one was a student"
ころ・ごろ is used to make time-based approximations
ころ・ごろ can be used for specific periods of time or approximate times
ころ・ごろ can attach to all parts of speech
Explained in
elementary #81
~くらい/ぐらい・~ごろ "About/Approximately..."
Example Sentences