Ought to do/must do...
べき is an auxiliary verb that means "should" or "ought to", and is used to express what the speaker feels one "ought to do", or how one "ought to act". べき attaches to casual form verbs.
E.g. 学生はちゃんと勉強するべきだ。 "Students ought to study properly."
べき sounds quite strong and tends to be used for moral/societal responsibilities, or sometimes to strengthen a suggestion one feels strongly about.
If べき comes at the end of a sentence, it is almost always followed by だ or です. However, だ・です will sometimes get dropped in spoken language.
To make a negative べき statement, use じゃない or the formal ではない.
E.g. 人を殺すべきではない。 "You ought not to kill people."
べき means "should" or "ought to"
べき tends to be used to express moral/societal responsibilities
べき can be made negative using ではない・じゃない
Explained in
Example Sentences