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By no means



By no means


けっして is an adverb that pairs with a negative statement to form the けっして~ない pattern.

けっして~ない is formal, strong in tone, and has four main usages:

禁止きんし - Statements of "prohibition"

つよ意志いし - Statements of "strong will"

つよ否定ひてい - Statements of "strong negation"

④ ~とはかぎらない - "Not necessarily X" statements

For usage ①, けっして~ない generally translates to "do not do X, by any means/under any circumstances".

E.g. おさけんだあとは、けっして運転うんてんしないでください。 "Please do not, by any means, drive after drinking alcohol."

For usage ②, けっして~ない generally translates to "never; by any means; under no circumstances".

E.g. あのみせべたピザのあじは、けっしてわすれない。 "I will never forget the taste of that restaurant's pizza."

For usage ③, けっして~ない generally translates to "certainly (will) not".

E.g. こんな素敵すてきなドレス、ほかではけっしてつけられませんよ。 "You certainly won't find this nice of a dress at other (stores)."

For usage ④, けっして~ない generally translates to "not necessarily X/not decidedly X".

E.g. 持田もちださんはけっしてわるひとではない。ただ仕事しごときびしいだけだ。 "Mr. Mochida isn't necessarily a bad person. He's just strict about work."

Compared to the similar adverbs 絶対ぜったいに and まったく, けっして is more formal in tone, and must always be paired with a negative.


  • b

    けっして~ない is formal, and strong in tone

  • b

    けっして~ない has four main usages: ① 禁止きんし - Statements of "prohibition", ② つよ意志いし - Statements of "strong will", ③ つよ否定ひてい - Statements of "strong negation", ④ ~とはかぎらない - "Not necessarily X" statements

  • b

    Compared to the similar adverbs 絶対ぜったいに and まったく, けっして is more formal in tone, and must always be paired with a negative

Example Sentences
