きり is the stem form of 切る and can attach to た form/stem form verbs, and nouns.
~たきり is used to express "Since (past tense verb), Y".
E.g. 朝にバナナを食べたきり、何も食べていない。 "I haven't eaten anything since I ate a banana this morning."
(Verb stem)きり is used to express that a given action "always happens/is always happening", or happens "thoroughly/completely".
E.g. 他の人に任せきりにしないで、自分で確認してください。 "Don't just rely on other people to do things, check it yourself."
(Noun)きり can express "just (noun)" or "since (noun)/the end of X" if きり follows a こそあど word (usually これ・それ・あれ).
E.g. お酒はあれきり飲んでいません。 "I haven't drunk alcohol since then."
きり can attach to た form/stem form verbs, and nouns
(Verb stem)きり means that something "always happens/is always happening" or that something happens "thoroughly/completely"
(Noun)きり means "just (noun)" or "since (noun)/the end of X" following a こそあど word (usually これ・それ・あれ)
Explained in
Example Sentences