On the contrary/rather/instead
むしろ ("rather; on the contrary; actually; instead") is an adverb that is used to emphasize unexpected information/an outcome, or to express that "X is more accurate/desirable".
E.g. あのカフェは閉まっていて残念だったけど、代わりにバナナカフェに行けたから、むしろラッキーだったかもしれない。 "It was too bad that that cafe was closed, but we got to go to Banana Cafe instead so we might actually have been lucky."
E.g. 体調は良くなるどころか、むしろ悪くなってきています。 "Far from my condition improving, it's actually getting worse."
E.g. バスケはボールが硬いし、ずっと動かないといけないから好きじゃない。むしろ大嫌いだ。 "As for basketball, I don't like it because the ball is hard, and you have to keep moving the whole time. Actually, I hate it."
むしろ is an adverb meaning
"rather; on the contrary; actually; instead"
むしろ is used to emphasize unexpected information/an outcome, or to express that "X is more accurate/desirable"
Explained in
Example Sentences