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Along with



Along with


につれて is formal in tone, and is a combination of the に particle, and the て form of the verb れる, "to be accompanied by". につれて is best translated as "as" or "with".

につれて can attach to dictionary form verbs, or to nouns. Nouns should be those that denote a change of some kind.

E.g. 日本語にほんご上手じょうずになるにつれて日本にほんでの生活せいかつたのしくなってきました! "As my Japanese improves, my life in Japan has also become fun!"

E.g. 医療いりょう発展はってんにつれて平均へいきん寿命じゅみょうびてきた。 "With the development of medicine, the average lifespan has increased."

につれて attaches to actions of gradual change and suggests a loose cause-and-effect relation with a second, following action.

「につれ」 is also possible, and is more stiff/formal in tone.

E.g. 学校がっこういそがしくなるにつれ友達ともだちあそった。 "As school became busy, the days I met up with my friends decreased."


  • b

    につれて is a combination of the に particle, and the て form of the verb れる, "to be accompanied by"

  • b

    につれて is formal in tone

  • b

    につれて is best translated as "as" or "with"

  • b

    につれて can attach to dictionary form verbs, or to nouns of change

  • b

    につれて attaches to actions of gradual change and suggests a loose cause-and-effect relation with a second, following action

  • b

    「につれ」 is more stiff/formal in tone

Example Sentences
