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It wasn't until.../not until/only after X did I

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It wasn't until.../not until/only after X did I


The 〜てはじめて pattern combines the adverb はじめて with a て form verb, and has two main usages:

  • b

    ① Describing the result of doing X: "It wasn't until someone did A/it wasn't until B happened, that..."

E.g. ってみはじめて自分じぶんいぬアレルギーだとわかった。 "It wasn't until I tried having a dog that I realized I had an allergy."

E.g. 病気びょうきになっはじめて健康けんこうのありがたさがわかった。 "It wasn't until I got sick that I realized how thankful I am to be healthy."

  • b

    ② Describing the minimum requirements of Y: "It's not until C requirement is fulfilled that..."

E.g. あの大学だいがくは、先生せんせいからの推薦すいせんがあっはじめて受験じゅけんをすることができる。 "For that university, you can only take the (entrance) test once you have a reference from a teacher."

E.g. 寿司すし職人しょくにんは、10ねん以上いじょうはたらはじめて一人前いちにんまえわれるらしい。 "For sushi chefs, apparently it's not until they've worked for over 10 years that they can be called qualified."


  • b

    〜てはじめて is a combination of the adverb はじめて and a て form verb

  • b

    〜てはじめて has two main usages: ① Describing the result of doing X: "It wasn't until someone did A/it wasn't until B happened, that...", ② Describing the minimum requirements of Y: "It's not until C requirement is fulfilled that..."

Explained in

Example Sentences
