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However/even though



However/even though


ところが is similar to "however" in English, is literary in tone, and comes at the start of a sentence. ところが must be followed by some information that is surprising, or unexpected.

E.g. すしをわさびきで注文ちゅうもんした。ところが、わさびありのをされた。 "I ordered sushi without wasabi. However, it was served with wasabi."

It is becoming less common, but ところが may also come in the middle of a sentence.

E.g. 先生せんせいならわかるとおもいたところが先生せんせいもわからなかった。 "I asked my teacher, thinking that they would understand, however, they also did not understand."

When ところが comes in the middle of a sentence, が is sometimes dropped.

E.g. 先生せんせいならわかるとおもいたところ先生せんせいもわからなかった。 "I asked my teacher, thinking that they would understand, however, they also did not understand."


  • b

    ところが is similar to "however" in English

  • b

    ところが is literary in tone

  • b

    Generally, ところが comes at the start of a sentence, but it may occasionally also come in the middle

  • b

    ところが must be followed by some information that is surprising, or unexpected

Example Sentences
