Should do/need to do... (strong advice)
The ~ことだ pattern is used at the end of a sentence to give firm suggestions/advice. Usually, ~ことだ statements indicate that the speaker has a high degree of confidence in the suggestion/advice they are giving.
~ことだ can follow casual form verbs in either the negative or affirmative.
E.g. お金が欲しいなら、ちゃんと仕事を探すことだ。 "If you want money you need to find a job."
E.g. 高木先生の授業中には話さないことだよ。 "No talking during Mr. Takagi's class."
~ことだ's strong tone can be softened with the addition of the よ or ね particles.
~ことだ is used to give firm suggestions and advice
~ことだ follows casual form verbs
Explained in
adept #11
ことだ: "One ought to..."
Example Sentences