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Indirect Imperatives, "Tell someone to do..."



Indirect Imperatives, "Tell someone to do..."


The ~ようにいう pattern combines 「(verb)ように」 ("to do something in X way"), with 「う」 ("to say"), to form a so-called indirect imperative. 〜ようにう can be used to form statements in which someone is told to do something or to do something in a certain way.

~ようにいう can be paired with casual form verbs, in the affirmative or negative, and う can be further conjugated as well.

E.g. べるように。 "To tell (someone) to eat."

E.g. べないようにった。 "To have told (someone) to not eat."

~ように can also form an indirect imperative with verbs such as たのむ ("to ask a favor"), おねがいする ("to request"), and 注意ちゅういする ("to caution").


  • b

    ~ようにう means "to tell someone to do X"

  • b

    ~ようにう is an indirect imperative

  • b

    ~ようにう follows casual form verbs in the affirmative or negative

Example Sentences
