Indirect Imperatives, "Tell someone to do..."
The ~ようにいう pattern combines 「(verb)ように」 ("to do something in X way"), with 「言う」 ("to say"), to form a so-called indirect imperative. 〜ように言う can be used to form statements in which someone is told to do something or to do something in a certain way.
~ようにいう can be paired with casual form verbs, in the affirmative or negative, and 言う can be further conjugated as well.
E.g. 食べるように言う。 "To tell (someone) to eat."
E.g. 食べないように言った。 "To have told (someone) to not eat."
~ように can also form an indirect imperative with verbs such as 頼む ("to ask a favor"), お願いする ("to request"), and 注意する ("to caution").
~ように言う means "to tell someone to do X"
~ように言う is an indirect imperative
~ように言う follows casual form verbs in the affirmative or negative
Explained in
apprentice #50
~ようにいう: Indirect Imperatives
Example Sentences