The question particle か can be added to the interrogatives だれ ("who"), なに ("what"), どこ ("where"), and いつ ("when"), to form a so-called indefinite pronoun (e.g. someone, something, somewhere, sometime).
Interrogative | Meaning | + か | Meaning |
だれ | who | だれか | someone |
なに | what | なにか | something |
どこ | where | どこか | somewhere |
いつ | when | いつか | sometime |
These indefinite pronouns are used in situations where a precise noun is unknown.
Often (interrogative)か takes the が particle, but in the case of どこか, に is also common.
Attach か to the interrogatives だれ ("who"), なに ("what"), どこ ("where"), and いつ ("when") to form an indefinite pronoun
These indefinite pronouns are used when the precise noun is unknown
Explained in
elementary #45
Attaching ~か and ~も to Interrogatives
Example Sentences