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まさか: No way! Don’t tell me...

adept #35
~ 5 Minutes


A new grammar lesson? NO WAY! Wait, don't tell me, is it about a particle? An adverb? A new conjugation???

Nope, it's about how to say...

No way! And also "Don't tell me..."

まさか is a very handy little word. It tends to get translated as "No way", "Don't tell me...", "Did (you) really...", or "You've gotta be kidding me!". Don't worry, we'll be going through a ton of examples in the lesson to give you a feel for how まさか works in all sorts of scenarios. So without further ado, let's dive in!

What do I attach it to?
まさか doesn't have any particular attachment rules, but you'll usually find it at either the start of a sentence or the start of a clause.

It's very common for まさか to start a sentence.

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