No way/don’t tell me...
まさか means "No way", "Don't tell me...", "Did (you) really...", or "You've gotta be kidding me!". Often, まさか comes at the start of a sentence.
E.g. まさか私が全部食べたと思ったの? "Did you really think I ate all of it?"
But it is also possible for まさか to come in the middle.
E.g. あの豪邸は、まさかマイクの家ではないでしょう。 "There's no way that mansion is Mike's house, right?"
The second half of a まさか statement can be cut off if it is able to be gathered from context.
E.g. まさかこの中に犯人がいるとは...。 "To (think) that the culprit is (one of these people)..."
まさか is also often paired with a negative verb, often 思わない・思わなかった.
E.g. まさかそうなるとは思わなかった。 "I never thought that would happen."
まさか means "No way", "Don't tell me...", "Did (you) really...", or "You've gotta be kidding me!"
まさか is often paired with negative verbs, such as 思わない
Explained in
Example Sentences