I have to go do the dishes? B-b-b-ut I'm tired. Pweese let me study some more Japanese! Pwetty pweeese!
In today's lesson, learn how to talk like... that.
Well, not exactly like that, don'tーno wait, don't go! Come back! 😢
Casual form verb/い-adjectiveもの・もん
→ だっておいしいんだもん!
"It's sooo tasty!”
Today, you're going to learn a new way to say "because": 「もの」!
You may remember もの from Adept lesson #17 which covered 「~ものだ・ものです」 and how they're used for facts, advice, and exclamatory statements, as well as our discussion in Adept #18 about "もの vs こと" and how to say "things" in Japanese. However, for this usage of もの, we'll specifically be looking at casual situations that use もの (or the contracted もん) as a sentence-ender.
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