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もの / もん



もの / もん



At the end of a sentence, もの is a casual, feminine way to add emphasis to a statement. もの is often used when someone is making an excuse, or justifying something.

E.g. このドラマ、るのをやめられない。すごく面白おもしろもの。 "I can't stop watching this drama. It's just so interesting."

もの can be shortened to もん, which is casual, and sounds girly. It is gender-neutral for kids, however.

E.g. だってひまもん。 "'Cuz I'm bored."

〜ですもの is also possible. This pattern has the same usages as 〜もの・もん, but lacks any childish nuance. 〜ですもの sounds like something a sophisticated, older lady might say.

E.g. 絶対ぜったいかないわよ。スティーブがめたんですもの。 "There's no way I can open it. Steve was the one who closed it after all."


  • b

    もの is a casual, feminine way to add emphasis to a statement

  • b

    もの is often used when someone is making an excuse, or justifying something

  • b

    もの can be shortened to もん

  • b

    もん sounds girly for adults, but is gender-neutral for kids

  • b

    〜ですもの lacks any childish nuances, and is generally used by older "sophisticated" women

Example Sentences
