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~と(も)言える: "You could say..."

adept #91
~ 5 Minutes


Heya! Welcome to yet another lesson that uses the verb う!

But don't worry, this isn't another ~という variant, we'll just be looking at う in its potential form!

Now without further ado... It's! Grammar time!

~とえる: I think X, but I'm going to beat around the bush a bit


  • b

    → このカレーは世界せかいいちともえるでしょう。
    "One could say that this is the best curry in the world.”

As you can likely already tell (because you're a grammar wiz at this point), ~とえる is simply a combination of the と quotation marker, with the potential form of the verb う, "to say". Then, there are a couple of optional additions: the も particle and でしょう・だろう, but we'll get to those later.

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