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You could say...



You could say...


~とえる is a combination of the と quotation marker and the potential form of the verb う.

~とえる means "one could say X/it could be said that X", and is most commonly (but not exclusively) used in formal/written contexts.

E.g. このプロジェクトが成功せいこうしたのはボブさんのおかげえます。 "It could be said that this project succeeded thanks to Bob."

~とえる's main purpose is to avoid being too direct.

By adding も to form 「~ともえる」, we can add "also" indicating that there is an alternative option ("one could also say X").

E.g. あのみせのピザのあじ世界せかいいちともえる。 "It could also be said that that store's pizza is the best in the world."

だろう・でしょう can be added to the end of a ~とえる statement to add another layer of uncertainty.

E.g. 部活ぶかつでのトレーニングが、人生じんせい一番いちばんつら経験けいけんえるだろう。 "One could say that training for club activities is the toughest experience in life."

Compared to the similar pattern. 「~とってもいい」, ~とえる sounds more certain.

~とえる is fairly interchangeable with the stiff phrase, 「~とっても過言かごんではない」 in any formal context.


  • b

    ~とえる is a combination of the と quotation marker and the potential form of the verb

  • b

    ~とえる means "one could say X/it could be said that X"

  • b

    ~とえる is most commonly (but not exclusively) used in formal/written contexts

  • b

    ~とえる's main purpose is to avoid being too direct

Example Sentences
