Heya, and welcome to the 100th grammar lesson in the Jungle of Tenacity!!!
You've come a long way since you were just a Devotee of the Depths, even longer since you were a mere Fledgeling in the Forest! And I have to say: I'm proud of you. Here's to many more successful grammar discoveries to come!
This lesson is kind of a continuation of the previous one, where you learned all about 〜による. Today, we'll be taking that pattern, and running with it. A very specific distance, mind you (to the shed out back where I keep my か and my は).
(Option one)か(Option two)かはNounによって(違う・異なる・etc.)
→ 人生が幸せかどうかは、人の考え方によって違いますよ。
"Whether or not life is happy depends on the person's way of thinking.”
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