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~ことか: "Just how.../Goodness knows how..."

adept #138
~ 5 Minutes


Who on earth could possibly say just how amazing this lesson is about to be?! The answer is, no one. Because it hasn't been, uh, lesson-ed yet. It hasn't been read yet? It hasn't been learned yet.

I'm still writing it! AHHH!

~ことか: Just how many of these have I written???


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    Casual form verb/い-adjectiveことか

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    → どれぐらい苦労くろうしたことか。あのパンケーキをうのに。
    "God knows how much I suffered. In order to buy those pancakes.”

Formed with こと + the question marker か, the main purpose of the ~ことか pattern is to emphasize that a piece of information is unknown or to claim that the extent of something is so great that it may as well be unknown.

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