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まで・も II: "Even"

apprentice #19
~ 5 Minutes


I wouldn't go so far as to say that this lesson is incredible but... wait. You know what? Yes, I would. I would even go so far as to say that this lesson is delicious!

Today we'll be revisiting our old friend, まで. Let's get started.

I'd even go so far as to call this a header!


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    て form verb/nounまで
    "Even my head is starting to hurt.”

Like I mentioned, we'll be working with our old friend まで today. Back in Beginner, you learned a few different uses of まで including how it can indicate an ending time or place, and limitations. In this lesson, we'll be covering how まで is used to express "even X" or "to the extent of X" when its paired with a て form verb or a noun. Let's see some examples of how you would use まで in this way!

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