The も particle can be attached to a stem-form verb, or a noun to express "even (verb/noun". This usage of も is used to add things to a list and to provide emphasis.
E.g. この人すごい!英語だけじゃなくて、日本語も読める! "This person is incredible! They can read not only English, but even Japanese!"
When も attaches to a verb's stem form, it must be followed by しない, or しません.
E.g. 食べもしない "won't even eat"
Compared to でも, which can also be used to list things in a similar fashion (but can only follow nouns), も always implies a list.
Attach も to a stem-form verb (+しない) or a noun to say "even (verb/noun)"
When used as "even" も adds a verb or noun to a list, and provides emphasis
Explained in
apprentice #19
まで・も II: "Even"
Example Sentences