Mike has really screwed up at work. Like big time! He has to go apologize to his boss and everything. You wanna know the details? Well, you'll just have to read on. Come on, let's go see how Mike apologizes.
「Result XようにY」
dictionary form
not conjugated; the form of a word as you would find it in a dictionary (e.g. {食|た}べる, おいしい). conjugation that describes an ability, or that something is possible (e.g. {食|た}べる → {食|た}べられる, {飲|の}む → {飲|の}める) the negative form of the casual/plain form, can also be called ない-form (e.g. {食|た}べる → {食|た}べない, {飲|の}む → {飲|の}まない).
→ 42キロを走れるように頑張ります。
"I'll work hard to be able to run 42km.”
→ 上手に運転できるように練習します。
"I'll practice to be able to drive well."
Scenario: Mike is in his boss' office, apologizing for his screw-up.
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