Lurking down here in the Depths of Devotion, are two huge leviathans; leviathans that you must slay (or befriend, if that's more up your alley) to progress in your journey of Japanese mastery. Today, you'll meet the first one: 尊敬語!!! Or, as I like to call him, Sunny.
Shall we begin?
Before we kick things off for real, I need to clarify a few terms. The first is one you may have heard before, 敬語, and is actually an umbrella term for three types of honorific language in Japanese:
丁寧語 "polite language"
You already know this one! It essentially refers to です・ます.
尊敬語 "respectful language"
We'll cover this one today.
謙譲語 "humble language"
We'll cover this one in a future lesson!
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