Respectful language
尊敬語, or "respectful language" is used to show respect to the listener, and "elevate" their position relative to the speaker. 尊敬語 is used with people in high positions of power/authority, and towards customers/clients in business situations. Staff working in the service industry usually use 尊敬語 with their customers. Some people may use 尊敬語 when meeting someone for the first time.
尊敬語 is made up of special verbs, the お・ご(verb stem)になる pattern, as well as passive verbs.
E.g. なさる instead of する
E.g. お勉強になる instead of 勉強する
E.g. される instead of する
尊敬語 is "respectful" language that elevates the listener
尊敬語 is used with people who have high social status
尊敬語 is made up of special verbs, the お・ご(verb stem)になる pattern, as well as passive verbs
Example Sentences