In this lesson, we'll be learning how to talk about the things we're good at as well as the things we’re... ahem, not so good at! For this, we'll be focusing on four words: 上手 and 得意 for things someone is great at, and 下手 and 苦手 for things someone isn’t so great at or struggles with. This lesson can be super helpful when making small talk in Japanese, so let’s get to it! 🔥
With nouns:
→ ミミは料理が上手です。
”Mimi is good at cooking.”
With verbs:
dictionary form
not conjugated; the form of a word as you would find it in a dictionary (e.g. {食|た}べる, おいしい).
dictionary form
not conjugated; the form of a word as you would find it in a dictionary (e.g. {食|た}べる, おいしい).
→ 私はサッカーをするのが得意です。
”I’m good at playing soccer.”
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