It’s time to introduce you to a new particle! This time, it’s に and I will gladly teach it to thee!
Small disclaimer! This particle is slightly more complex than the others so far, so に will need some extra attention in the form of more lessons! It has a bunch of different usages but obviously, we’ll take it slow and start with its main function: indicating location.
The に particle, which we can also call the “target particle”, shows the location (or destination) of where one will go, is going, or has gone to.
→ 私は学校に行く。
”I am going to school.”
The reason why we call に the target particle is that whichever word it’s attached to becomes the target destination of your verb. Bullseye, just like that! 🎯 By placing に on a location noun, you mark it as the place that someone or something is going, has gone to, or will go!
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