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から・ので "Because of 〇〇"/"Since 〇〇, then..."

elementary #47
~ 5 Minutes


Ugh, I’m mad at Mike. Why? Because he forgot to leave me some pizza! I already told him that I’m dying to eat some pizza because I haven’t had any in 2 days. That’s a lifetime in pizza language!! I mean, I guess he forgot because he was really hungry… oh well, I’ll just get some tomorrow. Even if that means a lifetime and a half without pizza.

Right! What should we discuss today? Hmm, you also know how to say “because” in Japanese already, right? No? Well that’s not right. It’s decided then! Our lesson for today will be teaching you how to say the “because” of Japanese to give the reason for a certain event!

Why? Because から.

から is kinda like “because” or “since” in English. To mark something as the reason for an action or event, simply attach から to it and you’re good to go! The only challenge here is remembering and choosing the right conjugation for whatever you’re attaching から to,… So pay attention or else your sentences might end up looking an awkward little. I mean, a little awkward.

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