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で Particle: Showing the Method/Tool Used For An Action

elementary #60
~ 5 Minutes


I sure am glad we decided to go out for ramen. This is so delicious! Yum. slurp slurp. Wait… are y-you—are you eating your ramen with a fork???

As it turns out, the tools you use to get the job done can be just as important as getting the job done itself. So in order to make sure we get the tools right, today we’re going to tackle a new particle in the form of に’s more versatile cousin: で. You may already think that に can accomplish a lot, but it’s got nothing on で in my opinion (I may be biased). Let’s get to it!

How Did You Do That?


  • b

    "I cut it with scissors.”

First of all, I must say that this is just one teensy-weensy slice of the pie in terms of what で can do. In order to not overload you with info, I’m gonna spread out its many uses over a few lessons. This lesson will simply cover marking the method or tool you use to do something.

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