Have you been wondering how to say you wanna go to Japan or eat some authentic mochi? Well, looks like today’s your day because we’ll be learning how to express the things we want to do, so you can finally say that and much more! In Japanese, we can express our sweet wishes and mochi desires by conjugating verbs into a new form: the たい form. It’ll be a breeze for you and me! 👌 Let’s get to it!
Verb Stemたい
→ 餅を食べたい。
"I want to eat mochi."
Whenever expressing you want to do a certain action, the たい form will come to your aid! To conjugate a verb into its たい form, all you need to do is turn the verb into its stem form
The "stem" of a verb, made by conjugating a verb to its ます-form and removing ます (e.g. {食|た}べる → {食|た}べます → {食|た}べ).
and add たい. Since たい behaves like an い adjective, all verbs in their たい form will also conjugate the same way as い adjectives do. Take a look at the table below so I can show you how that’s done!
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